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(sverigeosju.blogspot.com) Soloshows and meetings.


Today, for breakfast, I met a lovely artist; Neha Lavingia who also have her opening for her soloshow and also in Lado Sarai. The world is little. Two artist on a Bnb hotel has their opening at the same day, same street. :) I love those kind of meetings.

. I got her business card and went to take a look on her webpage and I was attracted by the simple and clean stylish in her art. Her exhibition runs until January 7 and I will visit the Gallery Threshold where she has her show.

Yes, today I woke up better. I had strengh to go for breakfast but still I do feels a little bit weak. I shall take it easy all day. The opening is 6.00, I still have time to cure my self.

The positive with the cold (I think it's the pollution I breath in) is that took away the nervous feeling of the show. Always looks at the bright side of life.

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