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(fornojsampappa.wordpress.com) Förnöjsam pappa: Donkey Kong 48 x 32 pixels NES sprite reworked to 32 x 24 for the Atari 8-bit (31 januari, 2013)


Torsdagen den 31 januari, 2013

Donkey Kong 48 x 32 pixels NES sprite reworked to 32 x 24 pixels for Atari 8-bit - Jan. 31, 2013

Donkey Kong 48 x 32 pixels NES sprite reworked to 32 x 24 pixels for Atari 8-bit – Jan. 31, 2013

Tonight I downloaded a copy of what is supposed to be the Donkey Kong character from the NES conversion of the original arcade game. I reworked the 48 x 32 pixels NES sprite to 32 x 24 pixels, to be used as a huge almost full screen sprite on the Atari 8-bit computer.

It was difficult to adapt the already simplistic 48 x 32 pixels image to 32 x 24 and although I think the result (above) may work for my non professional purposes, there is still a chance I can improve it a lot by minor modification of Kong’s mouth, feet, and the some of the outlined edges.


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