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(ghostopinion.wordpress.com) Ghost:/What´s The Problem With Iran? It´s Not Nuclear Weapons


From TFF-Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research:


The problem is not nuclear weapons, essentially. It’s strategic interests such as control of oil and gas and that requires a change of Iran’s ‘obstinate’ and ‘defiant’ regime.

According to the highest intelligence authority in the U.S., National Intelligence Estimate, and its sister in Israel, Mossad, this much is clear: There is no evidence that Iran has decided to build nuclear weapons.

The present US/NATO/EU policy is based on escalating threats without an exit strategy. This increases the risk of war, whether intended or not. If that is not the deliberate purpose, an entirely new Western policy vis-a-vis Iran must be developed.

Read more: http://www.transnational.our-news.net/nyheter/tff_pressInfo.php

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