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(sverigeosju.blogspot.com) Shine in the blue.

After a long journey where I lost basically how many hours I was awake, I landed in Gothenburg.

The full moon shone in the clear sky, the motorists drove correct as the laws says, the streets were plowed, everything was well maintained. Life, in its place, which has been, as always.
What if I changed `?

I woke up indian time in Sweden.
I was happy when I saw that I had some coffee in the coffee jar so I made my coffee, went back to bed, and sat for hours in silence and listened to the silence.

Everything is the same.

Now it's nearly lunchtime. I have to go to the store and buy some food. I am hungry.

The sun shines over a clear blue sky, the snow is white, the air is clean.

. Yes, all of the ordinary is the same, the only is that I looks at it in a new way. There are some changes to change, I know.
But today I am not able to start something new. Must have some food.

I am still in Indian time.

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