Lördagen den 2 februari, 2013
I have not had time to continue working on the Donkey Kong sprite for the math training program, until this afternoon.
The huge 32 x 24 sprite definition was done on Jan. 31, but to put it on screen next to the math problems text section, hardware programming including a machine code routine is needed.
Programming the Atari’s Display List interrupts is not difficult. However, it was difficult to recall which memory addresses and values to POKE, to accomplish this. After reading various examples available in Atari books on the internet, I wrote this example program. It does not put a sprite on screen, it just modifies border and background color, line by line.
1000 REM SAVE "D:DLI1.BAS" 1010 POKE 82,0 1020 GRAPHICS 0 1030 DLSTART=PEEK(560)+PEEK(561)*256 1040 DLEND=PEEK(106)*256-960-1 1050 REM FOR I=DLSTART TO DLEND 1060 REM PRINT I,PEEK(I) 1070 REM NEXT I 1080 REM 1090 POKE 512,0 1100 POKE 513,6 1110 REM 1120 FOR I=1536 TO 1550 1130 READ A 1140 POKE I,A 1150 NEXT I 1160 REM 1170 FOR I=DLSTART+6 TO DLSTART+28 1180 POKE I,130 1190 NEXT I 1240 POKE 54286,192 2000 REM 2010 DATA 72 2020 DATA 173,11,212,141,10,212,141,24,208,141,26,208 2030 DATA 104,64